Cassandra Koupari and Associates is an evolving law firm based in the Republic of Cyprus. We think out of the box and fight for justice to be served.
We take on board all variety of cases ranking from family law, inheritance law, insolvency law, corporate law, asylum law , employment law , criminal law and administrative law. Our main focus is on human rights .

We offer expertise to both start-ups and established legal or personal entities on an array of commercial law matters which include
• Company Formation
Commercial contracts/service level agreements
• Joint ventures and collaboration agreements
• Intellectual property
• IT and ecommerce
• Franchising
• Licensing and charities
We are also insolvency practisioners therefore we advice and proceed with litigation cases and effective dept restructing by using either the Financial Ombudsmans tools or the schemes offered in collaboration with the Department of Insolvency *DAO and PSA*

Our goal is not to exploit financially the loss of your loved one
We try to make the procedure as economically and quick as possible
Our work includes the following:
Publication of the will if there is one
• Identifying, valuing and realising assets
• Applying for a grant of probate,
• Seeking the necessary tax clearances,
• Distribution of assets

The provisions of Article 146 of the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus , prescribes the principles of administrative review in the Cypriot legal order, as well as judicial control over administrative acts.
Administrative acts are subject to judicial review, which comprises a crucial element in administrative law generally.
We bring on legal cases against the Ministry of Interior for not granting Cypriot citizenship to people who are in Cyprus legally for at least 7 years and are a part of the Cypriot community
We also have a variety of legal cases against the Ministry of Interior for cancelling marriages between Europeans and people form third word countries and there are cases that if people are arrested because their permit has been cancelled and are considered to be illegal we try through court to make them review it
We also embank on cases for students who have denied leave to continue their studies in Cyprus based on wrong implementation of the law
At present we have also cases pending at court for wrongly not giving social benefits or nor granting access to schemes of the government that will help applicants financially

Law includes every aspect of the employer-employee relationship. Workplace safety, wages, pensions and unemployment compensation are all aspects of employment law.
We offer legal advice to both employees and employers by firstly trying to involve the department of labour relations who act firstly as mediators

Criminal law deals with behavior that is or can be construed as an offense against the public, society, or the state—even if the immediate victim is an individual. Our cases vary from traffic fines to drug offences , plagiarism , assaults and terrorist acts

We try to act as mediators and reach an amicable solution instead of making the family matters deteriorate
Handling divorce cases as quick as possible even if one party is abroad since the procedures have been amplified with the use of facebook and viber so that the other party is notified of the procedures
Maintenance is always tricky and is there you need a good advocate who thinks outside of the box so that you get a good result for either party . Same goes with property cases
We are also expertise at adoption cases even if it includes a minor or an adult
Regarding custody cases and communication issues and especially conflicting cases we always aim in involving a child phychologist from the beginning via court

We fight for the rights of the asylum seekers in Cyprus and especially for people who come from unsafe countries such as Cameroon or Afganistan, or have experiences rape or diseases such as AIDS or hepatitis . We refer them via OKYPY to a governmental phychologist so that we can prove at court that they have been unstifiedly denied a refugee or supplementary protection status especially when their personal cicumstances illustrate that
Currently we are working on bringing towards the ECHR the case of a asylum prisoner who is in urgent need of phcyhologist and the courts court order to refer her to one and give us medcial evidence as to her state of mind has been cancelled via certiorari by the government

The primary purpose of civil Law is to resolve disputes and provide compensation for someone injured by someone else’s acts or behavior.
We handle a variety of cases from road accidents to money owed to individuals for work they have done and have not been granted their fee

The rental market in Cyprus is made of two different categories: the houses which are governed by the Rent Control Law (1983) and the free market. The Rent Control Law and its more recent amendments are applied to tenancies of residential or business real estates which qualify as “Controlled Areas”, like towns, suburbs, as well as rural centers, which were built before 29 December 1995.
Especially after covid a lot of owners have been facing the problem of tenants not paying . With the new amendments on the law we try to evict a tenant who does not pay as quick as possible and as economic as possible .